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The Myths and Confusion About iPhone Water Damage Repairs

iPhone Water Damage Repairs? Yes, you'll require one if your phone was in the water!

The Myths and Confusion About iPhone Water Damage Repairs

We all know someone who experienced an Clumsy moment when it comes in the area of Phones and Water. It's been reported that 1 five people drop their phones into the Loo but it's actually not so common as you imagined.

No matter if you've gone for an afternoon dip at the swimming pool, or dip at the beach, at times we forget that we've got the lifeline we need in our pockets nevertheless. Here are the rules and guidelines in the field of Liquid Damage:

Do not charge your iPhone prior to repair for water damage

This is among the most frequent mistakes that people make when their phone takes the plunge. It is best to never connect your phone to the power source since electricity and water are not a pair, so instead, take out the battery (If you can) to ensure there's no chance of damaging your Motherboard. If you are unable to remove the battery, and your phone is running, shut down your phone immediately to minimize the risk of further harm.

Do not - Continue to use your iPhone like you normally

Utilizing your phone when there's still liquid in it is not a good idea as it opens your phone for more issues. If you decide to use your camera and send an electrical current through the phone's brain into the camera and if water has gotten a ride you're sending an electric current that the camera isn't able to handle , rendering it ineffective and possibly unrepairable. Similar to other parts like Microphones, Speakers Other Buttons along with WIFI/Bluetooth module.

Do not - Place your phone in a bowl of Rice

Rice is an ingredient to cooking and is to be consumed, but it is not a substitute to take your phone to have it examined and repaired by a professional.

You might now think that placing your phone into the rice bowl and then letting it sit there for a few days can be a magical fix for water damage , and you may you might even think that every Rice Grain is the equivalent of a mini-technician operating on the phone in order to make it work again, however this isn't the case . Yes, there are stories of people who have done this, and saying that it works, but remember that this is the same people who dropped their phones into the water first...

iPhone water damage strategies

It's a fact. knowledge that rice absorbs water. So it is able to dry your phone out , right? There's a difference between yes and no. It's true that it could take in part of the liquid that's been sucked into your phone, however this isn't what we're looking for as the water gets absorbed by electronic components, it causes corrosion and rusts, which can keep your phone running for a long time, or even for days, but we wouldn't purchase an expensive device to only be capable of using it for a couple of days, right?

Do not panic It's not still alive!

You're probably thinking and yet, how do you not feel panicked whenever one of the beloved items has gone for an underwater swim, when it shouldn't perform as a Smart repair technician for your device? I'll reveal the secret. There's a better possibility of having your device functioning normally or to keep your data safe by taking it on within the first 24 hours after the initial mistake. The longer you keep your phone with Liquid within, the lesser chance you'll be able to get it back or even get it to work even.

Do - Take it to the iPhone Repair Centre such as Alfalah Mobiles

Inspecting your phone at the iPhone repair store is the best chance to save your device since they have the tools and equipment to access your phone and begin by taking care of the Liquid damages by taking out any modular component and cleaning them separately while your motherboard soaks inside the Ultrasonic cleaning Machine. 

If you are unable to visit the repair shop right away or even open the phone yourself simply make sure that your device is turned off, and do not plug in your phone.

For a drastic measure, you can purchase a huge bottle of isopropyl alcohol , and simply place your phone into an alcohol container to the alcohol is soaked inside. This will protect your motherboard until it is assessed by an expert. This method isn't advised, but all of your components can be replaced, but your data isn't (Only employ this method when you are unable to move it to another location within a reasonable amount of time)

Also read iPhone repair and iPad repair service article:

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